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Wheel Throwing Intensive

Wheel Throwing Intensive

Perfect for travellers or those who are keen to really immerse themselves, you'll be guided to create 10 pieces over two days during a Wheel Throwing Intensive.

Things to do in Bundaberg

Set yourself a new challenge

Perfect for those who are keen to learn all that they can, our Wheel Throwing Intensive will cover how to create your own mugs, bowls, cups and more. 


This is a detailed two-day course that will leave you so confident that we'd be happy to invite you back to hire our wheels for independent personal use on-site! 

Generous inclusions

At the end of the weekend, you'll have created 10 pieces that you're happy to have glazed and fired. 

If you have made additional pieces that you'd like to keep and have finished, an optional upgrade can be paid at the end of the second day.


Wheel Throwing Intensive Details

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$650 per person

3-5 participants

Intensives run from 8:30am-2pm two days in a row. You will have a short break on each day, but please BYO food and drinks as there are no nearby shops. 

During the Workshop

From preparing and wedging the clay, to throwing it and centering it, you’ll learn everything you need to create bowls and cups. You will be able to choose your own glazes from our wide selection and note any specific application ideas you have in mind. 

If you would like more than 10 items completed, additional pieces are charged at $10/kg for bisque firing and $12/kg for glaze firing.

After the Workshop

Your creations will need to dry, then be bisque fired. We will glaze your pieces then complete the final firing. 4 weeks after your intensive, your pieces will be ready for collection. If you have travelled, postage is available at an additional cost.

Got questions?

Check out our Ceramic Workshops Guide for all the FAQ on our workshops. Instant access - no email required.

Book a Private Wheel Throwing Intensive

Our Wheel Throwing Intensives are held at our property in Mount Tom. 

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